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Experience the Magic of Harry Potter by Staying at the Real Hogwarts this Summer

Experience the Magic of Harry Potter by Staying at the Real Hogwarts this Summer

A leading holiday expert says that this summer it’s possible to stay in some of the filming locations used for Hogwarts in the Harry Potter films. And the magical thing is that many of them are surprisingly affordable.

Experience the Magic of Harry Potter by Staying at the Real Hogwarts this Summer

This summer, it’s easy to come out from that cupboard under the stairs and follow in the footsteps of Harry Potter. A leading holiday expert says it’s actually possible to stay in some of the atmospheric and historic locations that double as Hogwarts school in the Harry Potter films.

Lily Smith, a travel expert from the specialist accommodation finder, says: ‘Most Muggles don’t realise that many filming locations for Hogwarts are not just sets. Several Oxford University colleges have featured in the movies as the famous school of wizardry and witchcraft.

‘The most famous of these is Christ Church College. Christ Church was used as the filming location and inspiration for many Harry Potter films. The Great Staircase and Tudor Great Dining Hall are instantly recognisable to Potter fans. For visitors who have booked accommodation at Christ Church, there’s even the opportunity to enjoy breakfast in The Great Hall, which was replicated to create the grand Hogwarts Hall. The 16th-century staircase is also memorable as the place where Harry and the other first-years are greeted by Professor McGonagall in the first movie.

Experience the Magic of Harry Potter by Staying at the Real Hogwarts this Summer

Christ Church College’s Great Staircase will be instantly recognisable to Potter fans as the place where Professor McGonagall welcomes new arrivals in the first Potter movie. (Image courtesy Christ Church College)

‘Even the hallways are full of Potter lore. The hallways of Christ Church were also used to film the scene in which Hermione shows Harry the Quidditch trophy his father won.

‘During Easter (March/April) and summer (July, August, September), it’s possible to stay as guests of the college. Of course, the buildings are of architectural and historical interest, reflecting the differing centuries since the college’s foundation. Unless you’ve mastered your apparition skills, you may need to know there are no lifts in any accommodation staircases, with some bedrooms up several flights of stairs. Christ Church offers rooms for single or twin occupancy. Strictly speaking, all guests should be over 18, but babies and children can share a room with adults.

‘Christ Church bookings are filling rapidly for July and August, but there is still good availability in September. There is also a new availability update service. Christ Church college also offers accommodation at St Aldgate and at its Liddell Building. Visitors still have access to the main college buildings and the option of breakfast in The Great Hall. This summer, you can book a room in the Liddell Building from just £65 a night.

Experience the Magic of Harry Potter by Staying at the Real Hogwarts this Summer


‘Christ Church is not the only real-life Hogwarts in Oxford. The seemingly misnamed New College, which actually dates back to 1379, is also familiar to Potter fans. In particular, New College’s cloisters will be well-known to anyone who hasn’t suffered one of Professor Lockhart’s memory charms.

‘In the movie The Goblet of Fire, Draco Malfoy taunts Harry while sitting on a large tree in the cloisters of New College. Malfoy gets his comeuppance when he is turned into a ferret by Mad-Eye Moody.

‘While accommodation at New College isn’t currently available, check’s website for updates. In the meantime, a number of other historic colleges offer rooms near to New College and other Potter locations. In The Philosopher’s Stone, the Bodleian’s Duke Humfrey’s Library forms the fabulous backdrop to Harry’s adventure hidden underneath his invisibility cloak.

‘Oxford isn’t the only location you can potter in the footsteps of Harry. A number of London universities offer inexpensive rooms near venues such as Leadenhall Market. This famous market in the City of London features in The Philosopher’s Stone and the entrance to the infamous wizard’s pub, the Leaky Cauldron is, in real life, an optician in Bull’s Head Passage! Accommodation at the Ifor Evans Hall in London’s vibrant Camden area is available for as little as £49 a night between 1-14 July. Currently, there’s good availability.

‘One more place to recommend is Durham. Its famous cathedral has doubled as Hogwarts in two films. Its cloistered quadrangle is where Harry releases Hedwig in The Philosopher’s Stone and The Chapter House is transfigured into Professor McGonagall’s transfiguration classroom in The Chamber of Secrets. You can actually stay in the historic Durham Castle, which is owned by Durham University and lets you feel as if you have stepped straight into a world of magic and legends. Again, there is currently good availability at the Castle and other Durham campuses this summer.

‘Using the innovative service, visitors can choose from singles and doubles with ensuite facilities, on a B&B or self-catering basis. One thing to consider is that a few universities have a no under-18s rule, so double-check the campus’ page for details. For more information on staying in Oxford, see

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