4 Books You Need to Read to Feel More Motivated, Empowered and Organised!
Looking for something new to read this season? If you’re determined to make this quarter of the year the best of the year then read on for our top 4 books you need to read to feel more motivated, empowered and organised!
The Bullet Journal Method
The Bullet Journal Method is one of the best planning and goal-setting systems you could possibly used. We might get into trouble for saying this, but we’re pretty sure that most of the planners, print-out sheets and habit trackers out there were originally inspired by the Bullet Journal. You might be wondering: “What is actually in this Bullet Journal thing then?” …Well, nothing actually! A Bullet Journal notebook itself is actually just an empty 320-page dotted notebook but the method of Bullet Journalling is actually what makes this strategy and experience effective.
The Bullet Journalling Method enables you to track habits, run a business, learn a new skill, stay healthy and manage any task that your daily life throws at you. This system makes it easy for you to focus on the day’s tasks, plan ahead, rearrange to-do lists, as well as refer back to the bigger picture and the goals you’re working towards. This book teaches you everything you need to know about the Bullet Journalling Method and how to make it your own.
The 4-Hour Work Week
You might have heard of the phrase: “Work smarter, not harder” and this book is proof of precisely that! If you’ve ever wondered how you can shorten your working week, cut your hours, while still getting everything done then you should definitely give this book a read!
The Miracle Morning
Another great habit for productivity is waking up early. You might have read that many of the world’s most famous entrepreneurs wake up super early, often way before the 6am mark. That’s because starting your day earlier gives you a few extra disruption-free hours for you to plough through your to-do list. Even if you spend those first few silent hours exercising, reading or investing in self-care, it’s a surefire way to get this kind of stuff done before the usual 6am/7am alarm. Plus, the earlier you get your work done in the day, the earlier you can finish!
The Secret: Daily Teachings
Although ‘The Secret’ is a great book with a truly inspiring message, it doesn’t resonate with everyone. Even among those who love self-development books, ‘The Secret’ does tend to have “The Marmite Effect,” meaning that people either love it or don’t see the hype. If however, you are still intrigued by what this book series has to offer, why not try ‘The Secret: Daily Teachings’? This is basically all of the philosophy and lessons from the original ‘The Secret’ broken down into 365 easy-to-digest, daily teachings. It’s the perfect way to get your day off to a great start!
Each page offers an inspirational, thought-provoking quote for you to work your way through over the duration of a year. What’s great about ‘The Secret: Daily Teachings’ is that each message is straight-to-the-point, easy to understand and ideal for those who are new to the idea of law of attraction. Of course, it’s also a must-read for those of you who are serious fans of ‘The Secret’ book series! ‘The Secret: Daily Teachings’ is a must-have for your collection and an excellent way to dip your toes into this genre.
Do you have any recommendations for books you need to read to feel more motivated? Let us know on Instagram!